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Pedestrian Accident Claims in Seattle

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Seattle is one of the nation’s most walkable cities. As our city continues to grow, more people utilize the city’s many ways to get around, including walking, biking and taking public transportation. Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents injure people in Seattle each year. If you believe a careless or reckless motorist caused the accident that injured you, then you may be able to pursue justice and compensation in a claim handled by our compassionate attorneys.

Please see recent verdicts and settlements obtained for our clients who were injured on foot.Pedestrian Injuries Are Not Uncommon in Our City

In terms of deadly pedestrian accidents, Seattle’s statistics are:

  • 5 pedestrians killed in 2016
  • 11 fatalities in 2017
  • 18 fatalities in 2018

These deaths are in addition to the numerous, non-fatal injuries suffered by pedestrians on our city’s roads. When we travel on foot, we’re completely vulnerable. We don’t have the protection of a motor vehicle. As a result, injuries from a collision can easily be catastrophic and debilitating.

These accidents may cause serious trauma:

  • Back, neck and shoulder injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Brain injuries
  • Limb trauma resulting in amputation
  • Fractures
  • Scarring and disfigurement

Medical bills can quickly become expensive. Simultaneously, you may be unable to work because of your injury, and therefore may be losing the income you need to support you through your recovery. It is costs, losses and consequences like these for which our attorneys pursue compensation on your behalf.

Why You Deserve an Experienced Advocate on Your Side

If the accident that injured you can be traced back to someone else’s negligence, you may be able to recover compensation in a case handled by our lawyers. Call us before accepting any settlement offers; they may be unfairly low.

Negligence means that the motorist was careless or violating laws. Pedestrian accidents are often caused by:

  • Impaired motorists
  • Speeding
  • Distracted drivers
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians

Our firm has been advocating for victims of injury in Seattle since 1983. Our history in the area means we have an established network of resources and experts to utilize. Buckley & Associates is a diverse group of experienced, knowledgeable attorneys. We offer legal services in seven different languages, so you can rely on us for clear communication in your language. Rely on us to learn your rights and your options for pursuing payment after a pedestrian accident. Our fees are contingent, which means we do not collect any fees until your case is successfully resolved.

Pursue Justice and Compensation

You deserve a chance at justice and full compensation. If you or a loved one was injured in a pedestrian accident caused by someone else’s negligence, then our experienced attorneys can help you decide what to do next. To arrange a complimentary case review, please call Buckley & Associates in Seattle at 206-558-8441, or in Tacoma at 253-582-3200.

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