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How Can I Tell if My Love One is Being Abused in the Nursing Home?

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The decision to put your loved one into a nursing home is a difficult choice to make. You trust the staff and administrators of the facility to care for them and make them as comfortable as possible. Unfortunately, sometimes these institutions neglect to give proper care or intentionally harm your family member either physically, emotionally, sexually or verbally.

Our attorneys can help you find justice for your loved one and recover damages for the pain and suffering—or wrongful death—the nursing home has caused. The federal government has regulations in place to protect your family member from nursing home abuse. Your loved one has rights, which protect them from any form of abuse including corporal punishment and involuntary isolation.

There are warning signs you can watch for that may indicate nursing home negligence or abuse including:

  • Assault and battery
  • Failure to treat medical conditions
  • Bed sores or wounds
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Unexplained injuries or death
  • Fractures
  • Head injuries
  • Withdrawn behavior
  • Fear of speaking in front of staff members
  • Wandering
  • Agitation

There are other behavioral and physical signs of neglect and abuse. In addition to these indicators, your loved one may be exploited financially. If you notice large withdrawals from their bank account or missing finances, this could potentially be a sign of nursing home abuse.

More than 3 million Americans reside in long-term care facilities. An estimated 1 in 6 of those in nursing homes experience abuse or neglect. This mistreatment is a national concern and could leave your loved one’s life in danger.

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